Doom: Annihilation

1h 36m

On the darkest moon of Mars, scientists have found an ancient portal which allows teleportation throughout the universe. Considered to be mankind's greatest discovery, it's actually a gateway from hell, unleashing a swarm of demons looking to steal the souls of everyone who gets in their way. It's up to Lieutenant Joan Dark and an elite unit of Marines to destroy an ever-growing horde of bloodsucking and soul- stealing beasts and prevent them from taking over planet earth.

Starring Amy Manson, Louis Mandylor, Nina Bergman, Kate Nichols, Amer Chadha-Patel, Hari Dhillon, Dominic Mafham, Lorina Kamburova, Jemma Moore, Katrina Nare,
Genres Action , Horror , Sci-Fi
Studios Universal Studios
Popular UPC


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Title Doom: Annihilation

Release Date 2019-10-01

Country USA

Genres Action, Horror, Sci-Fi

Runtime 1h 36m

Sub Genres

Language English