The Matrix Reloaded

2h 18m

Buy any quality, get every quality: All qualities up to 4K UHD included with purchase. In the second chapter of the Matrix trilogy, Zion falls under siege to the Machine Army. Only hours before 250,000 Sentinels destroy the last human enclave on Earth, Neo, Trinity and Morpheus choose to return to the Matrix, unleashing their arsenal of extraordinary skills against the forces of repression. Now, at the confluence of love and truth, faith and knowledge, purpose and reason, Neo must follow the course he has chosen if he is to save humanity from the dark fate that haunts his dreams.

Starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Jada Pinkett Smith, Gloria Foster, Harold Perrineau, Monica Bellucci, Harry Lennix, Lambert Wilson, Randall Duk Kim, Anthony Zerbe, Helmut Bakaitis,
Genres Action , Sci-Fi , Suspense , Adventure
Studios Warner Bros.
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Title The Matrix Reloaded

Release Date 2003-05-15

Country USA

Genres Action, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Adventure

Runtime 2h 18m

Sub Genres Sci-Fi Action

Language English